Best Cone-Shaped Flowers to Enhance Your Backyard Garden

You may have come across star-shaped or round flowers, but have you ever spotted stunning cone-shaped flowers?

Flowers stand out more when they have a unique shape! These cone-shaped flowers are sure to be an eye-catcher in your garden!

Best cone-shaped flowers

The term “cone-shaped flowers” ​​here means that they become wider at the bottom and taper towards a pointed shape towards the top, creating a cone-shaped appearance.

Honeyflower Best cone-shaped flowers

Botanical name: Melianthus major

Native to South Africa, honeyflower is an evergreen shrub with nectar-rich flowers. It is highly toxic, so be careful!

Botanical name: Lupinus spp.

Lupins are herbaceous perennials with tall, cone-shaped inflorescences. If you have a bright terrace or balcony, this is a must!

Botanical name: Veronica spp.

It is also known as Veronica low maintenance effort Perennial with tall, pointed inflorescences in white, blue, pink or purple.

Botanical name: Carex spp.

Carex flowers come in red, yellow, brown and even green. They add unique texture and color contrast to garden environments.

Botanical name: Pennisetum setaceum

Fountain grass has fluffy feathers with a pointed appearance, although falling. These feathers last until fall and add a beautiful touch to gardens.

Botanical name: Lavandula spp.

Known for its tall cone-shaped spikelet flowers, lavender is a versatile herb whose uses range from decorative to culinary.

Botanical name: Polygala vulgaris

Milkweed flowers come in blue, purple, pink or white. The flowers are not quite pointed and have a more pronounced shape at the tip.

Aloe Succotrina cone flower plant in the garden

Botanical name: Aloe Succotrina

aloe Succotrina has thick, spiny leaves with tall spikes orange and pointed flowers! It can certainly be a focal point in a small garden!

Botanical name: Mentha Piperita

Peppermint has small, pointed flowers in shades of pink, purple or white. It is a cross between spearmint and water mint.

Botanical name: Hedysarum Coronarium

Also known as French honeysuckle, this plant grows red and smells sweet Flowers with a conical shape.

Botanical name: Delphinium spp.

Delphiniums have bright, conical flower spikes that make them appear taller. The flowers are available in purple, blue, red, white and orange.

Foxglove flower plant in the garden

Botanical name: Digitalis purpurea

The species, native to Europe, has cone-shaped flowers in shades of pink, white and purple. Keep it away from pets as it is mildly toxic.

Bugleweed cone flower pot near the wall

Botanical name: Ajuga reptans

Bugleweed, also known as Carpet Bugle, is a low-growing perennial that produces spikes of small, cone-shaped flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink or white.

Botanical name: Lythrum salicaria

It is a member of the Lythraceae family and has showy white, magenta or reddish-purple flowers in long clusters called racemes.

Botanical name: Quesnelia

Quesnelia features showy flowers with a slightly pointed shape at the tip and comes in bright shades of red, blue and purple.

Botanical name: Kniphofia spp.

Also known as Torch lilyIt is an herbaceous perennial with tall inflorescences of bright red, orange and yellow yellow colors.

Botanical name: Antirrhinum majus

A great potted plant, Snapdragon flowers form a conical shape when growing in clumps. What makes them even more attractive is that they grow on tall spikes.

Gayfeather Best Cone-Shaped Flowers

Botanical name: Liatris spicata

Gayfeather, also called Blazing Star, has tall spikes of cone-shaped flowers that also attract bees Butterflies.

Botanical name: Lysimachia clethroides

This plant thrives in sunny spots and locations small white flowers tightly packed on sturdy spines. It blooms from May to August.

Botanical name: Lobelia Cardinalis

Cardinal flowers have tall, leafy inflorescences and bright red flowers that are particularly popular humming-bird or Butterflies.

Botanical name: Matthiola incana

Stock is an easy-care plant known for its clove-scented flowers. Make sure the plant receives enough bright and indirect sunlight for optimal flowering.

Culver's Root Best cone-shaped flowers

Botanical name: Veronicastrum virginicum

This tree, native to North America, has cone-shaped flowers White and pink tones. It is ideal as a border plant.

Celosia argentea Best cone-shaped flowers

Botanical name: Celosia argentea var. cristata

Also known as wool flower, it features unique cone-shaped flower heads in colors of red, orange, yellow and yellow pink colors.

Botanical name: Buddleja davidii

Buddleia or Butterfly bushis a deciduous shrub that produces pointed flower spikes in shades of lavender, pink or white.

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